22 Ottobre 2024

Commenti alla presente stagione sportiva

ma che sito e´??
19-05-2010, 14:34
questo si che e´ un sito...ma che sito e´ www. emoticons nono2.gif fihptoscana.it?? parla di tutto fuori che di pattinaggio?
RE: ma che sito e´??
06-10-2012, 16:32
in effetti... emoticons ahah.gif
19-07-2013, 21:33
Problem fixed (finally). I removed all the tblaes via phpMyAdmin. Deleted plugin and reinstalled. This did NOT work. I removed all the tblaes again via phpMyAdmin then I found a zip with the icons for the plugin in my uploads folder and deleted that. Deleted plugin again, and reinstalled it. Now it seems to be working again. After uploading the extended version of the plugin, all icons did not show up, including the plugin icon. The help button didn´t work and was formatted to the left, whereas after finally figuring it out it moved to the right. The icons started working again. Glad to have the plugin, it will be very helpful and client will be happy they will be able to update their menu. However transition from free plugin to the Extended version wasted about 3 hours. There is no documentation on how to make that switch that I could find. Assuming that most people will try the free version before purchasing extended version and then make the switch, a constructive criticism might be to focus on that upgrade process as it was less than desirable. Being able to enter the purchase code or upgrade from the plugin page is the best way I´ve seen to offer an upgrade to a plugin. Just a suggestion. Thanks,Adam

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